About Femetalism

Femetalism actually started life as a project for Emma’s Foundation Degree in eCommunications back in 2010. She was specifically researching the male gaze theory in relation to the media we consume as a society and the blog was part of her final assessment. She enjoyed researching and writing for the blog and so decided to continue with the project.

After a 7 year hiatus during which time Emma was diagnosed with ME/CFS (making gigs and festivals hard to get to) a small team has emerged to support both Emma and the blog and with their help Femetalism is finally back!

Femetalism is and always will be a small part-time personal project about which we are very passionate. With Femetalism we are working hard to improve the “Femme” metal space and share and promote women in metal from a more gender-neutral position; moving away from traditional stereotypes and assumptions associated with the male gaze and focusing on portraying a more authentic and diverse representation of these musicians.

While we do primarily feature female artists, we do support ALL underground metal and alternative music and regularly feature bands of all genders and identities.

Emma is the main contributor to the blog and it will be Emma you speak to on social media, however at gigs and festivals you are very likely to bump into the rest of the team!

Get in touch with the team: femetalism@gmail.com.

Meet the Team

  • Emma

  • Craig

  • Paul

  • Rowan

  • Vassily

  • Larissa