In Conversation with SVLEM

We recently sat down to talk to Australian Alternative Gothic Metal band, SVLEM in more detail about the crowdfunding campaign they are running RIGHT NOW to fund their debut album. Shedding light on some of the incredible perks available along with background into the band, how they came together and what they have planned for the future.

How did SVLEM come together as a band, and what's the story behind the name?

First of all, cheers for having us Emma!!! So, when their previous band dissolved, Josh, Diz & Rhys decided to start SVLEM together, inviting their friend Zara to front this new project. With her, they laid the foundations of the band. Cecile on her end was having a hard time finding a band that she would love at least as much as Kamera Obscura and that would tick her (many) boxes.

When Zara left to focus on her indie rock project, the stars aligned: Long time friend Shah joined as rhythm guitarist & keys whizz, followed by Cecile who was found wandering desperately on Bandmix, on the verge to give up the search. Haha!

SVLEM, pronounced “Salem” but with a “V” instead of a “A” is a nod to the witchcraft universe indeed. The “V” has now found a new meaning as a Roman “5” that symbolises the pentaforce the band has become.”

Can you describe the creative process and influences behind your unique brand of Alternative Goth Metal?

We‘re still finding our groove as all of us have a different way of writing and creating songs. There's no formula. It’s the mystery of the dance! But it works, songs emerge. A lot of things influence us, music of course but also cinema, documentaries, painting, travels and very much our own demons. For most of us, music really does act as therapy. We’ve pretty much all gone through really tough times as individuals in the past couple of years: writing & performing those songs, hanging out together & sharing such friendship … it’s rare and invaluable.

What inspired you to launch a crowdfunding campaign for your debut album?

When we decided to record our live-session last year, our first Crowdfunding campaign was a life saver: we couldn’t have financed it ourselves … It also brought a whole community around us which to be honest was the best part; Knowing that you’re supported and that people believe in you and enjoy what you’re doing is the best feeling in the world. It’s not the amount people donate, it’s seeing their names pop up amongst the other contributors that really gives us a thrill. So, to answer your question, for obvious financial reasons but moreover for the sense of community it creates.

How do you see crowdfunding impacting the music industry and helping independent artists like SVLEM?

With a single studio day costing around $700 on average in Sydney these days it really feels like it’s the only way to put out studio quality music at the moment. Crowdfunding has been a thing in music for years, it’s nothing new and it is vital for independent artists who can’t release material on their own.

Can you give us a sneak peek into your debut album? What can fans expect in terms of themes and musical direction?

Regarding the themes on the album, we love to blur the line between our own personal experiences and some kind of occult fantasy, blending a bit of poetry with raw, more directly expressed emotions.

For example if you take ‘Nevermore’, the tides are used as a metaphor for attraction/repulsion - like a “pull me close/push me away” wave-like motion. When Cecile writes “and you roll over me, crush me with your tidal soul” she wants you to hear “and you’re all over me” and confuse you but in fact, the relationship she describes isn’t as simple as it sounds, there’s attraction but there’s also a sense of suffocation. So we’ll have a bit of fun with lyrics while doubling down on the heavy and eerie atmosphere sonically.

What role does your community and fanbase play in your musical journey, and how has it evolved over the years?

SVLEM is still a relatively new band but it’s so heartwarming to see the support we’ve received so far from new fans but also from some fans that have been there since previous bands eras. We had a couple of huge surprise contributions coming from fans of both bands over this Crowdfunding and it has left us speechless.

Could you share some memorable experiences or moments that stand out from your musical career so far?

At least 3 churches contacted a venue where we were putting on a show we labeled “Black Mass”, to get it cancelled.

The 2 bands before us got to play on that night but the sound got cut off after one song when it was our turn because the neighbors complained about the noise too much. That was one cursed night!

Can you shed some light on your collaboration with TIME+BRINE for "Satan's Spit" hot sauce and the idea behind it?

We were looking into creating something that would relate to “potions” and also that we would truly enjoy ourselves. Josh is a little bit of a Hot Sauce Connaisseur, he’s got a tradition with his mates around the Super Bowl where each year they try to make their wings hotter than the previous one and see how high they can climb on the Scoville scale! Haha. One of Cécile’s great mate, Claire is the founder of TIME+BRINE and probably one of the coolest people around so when she asked her if we could do an actual partnership she was like “Hell Yeah! Let’s do this!”. Bloody legend.

Bettie Bandit is leading a Metal Burlesque class as one of your perks. What motivated you to include this intriguing experience?

We thought it would be so much fun to put a spin on the good old witchcraft “seducing spell”! Bettie is a dear friend, she was on board as soon as the idea emerged a year or so ago when we were planning this campaign. We’re so glad we can make it happen and really hope someone will be crazy enough to grab that pack “Bat Familiar - Bettie Bandit Edition” haha!”

What advice do you have for aspiring musicians, especially those interested in crowdfunding their projects?

It is really hard to give advice as we’re nowhere near the top haha! Just have fun with it and be in it 200%.

With fans contributing to your campaigns what does this level of dedication and support mean to SVLEM?

Whether it is fans, friends or family, they create a constellation of kindness around the project and it is really touching. Seeing them coming together to back the project is like having all of them in one room at a show: they don’t know each other but they contribute to the magic of the moment and make that communion possible.

The fact that they are willing to contribute a fraction of their income is so humbling. We all work full time and like crazy on top of SVLEM so we understand what this means.

How do you envision the future for SVLEM, and what are your long-term goals and aspirations as a band?

Recording and playing cool shows with great bands! We’ve been extremely fortunate this year with live shows and got to play some sick events at Crowbar, The Duke, The Chatswood Club (Metal Evolution) with incredible bands such as Rammlied - The Rammstein Experience, Wicked Envy and Victoria K to name a few.

What message do you have for your supporters and those who are considering joining the SVLEM Coven through your crowdfunding campaign?

Thanks for being there. We see you, we know who you are, we appreciate your support beyond limits and we’ll do everything that’s in our power to create a unique and great album!!! For those of you who are still on the fence, know that even the smallest contribution counts and if you’re not in a position to join this part of the SVLEM journey you can always root for us on socials and come to a show, we’ll be thrilled to see you in the pit!

BE QUICK! If you’d like to contribue to SVLEM's crowdfunding campaign, it concludes on 15/11/23 so don’t delay. To secure an exclusive package or make a donation, visit their Indiegogo page. Join the musical journey and become a part of the SVLEM Coven.

If you can't wait to experience SVLEM's music, check out their latest musical release.


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